Tag Archive: Says Systematic Review

Erythropoietin, called EPO, is banned from sports because of claims it can enhance an athlete’s performance unfairly.

A systematic review couldn’t find any benefit but it found considerable risk of harm.

Professional cycling remains a popular sport though its image has been tainted by high-profile doping cases. EPO, a blood-cell stimulating hormone, recently made headlines, when the self-appointed United States of America’s Anti-Doping agency (USADA) claiming that it was used by record seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong. 

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Organophosphate pesticides were once commonly used in roach control and other applications but organiphosphates were originally developed as nerve-gas agents for chemical warfare. The human body converts organophosphate pesticides into altered forms called metabolites and all organophosphates are toxic to the nervous system, known to cause memory and vision problems.

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